My Crate GFX65T is dying a slow and painful death...

I'm looking for a comparable replacement and trying to stay under $300

I went to the BIG (not really) music store in town. They have a lot of Crates. The current 65 watt model is selling for $400 (on sale!) . They had a 60 watt Roland for $350 - looked interesting but the guy told me that sometimes it can't punch through when a whole band is playing - in other words it's a big practice amp.

Okay so I went to a small corner music store near my house... they don't have much of a selection - but they had two amps that interested me.

1. Marshall MG30DFX - I really liked the sound - but it's only 30 watts! And I've been plugging my Crate into a 12quot; Celestion extension speaker - the Marshall doesn't have an extension speaker jack. So as much as I like the sound, it just doesn't seem practical.

2. Kustom Quad 65 DFX - Seems to have all the features that I want - but I couldn't seem to dial in a sound that I liked. I downloaded the user manual with suggested EQ settings and such. I'll go back tomorrow and give it another try.

The thing is, I don't know anything about Kustom. Are they any good? What kind of reputation do they have?

Any thoughts on either of these two amps?

My backup plan is to drive into Reno (30 miles - not a big deal really) and check out one of the music stores there. I would like to give this guy here my business (he's kind of a friend) but not so much that my music suffers.

I've got two gigs this weekend - I'm praying that either the Crate survives or I find a good deal somewhere.

Thanks for any advice you can give me,

Marshall MGs are the worst solidstate amps you can buy, period.

...well maybe not the worst but they're really expensive for what they are...

Originally Posted by D-EJ915Marshall MGs are the worst solidstate amps you can buy, period.

...well maybe not the worst but they're really expensive for what they are...

Thanks... I appreciate your candor

anyone else?

Usually I don't pimp stuff that I'm going to be closeout, but my friend said this amp is great and so I'm gonna take his word for it: Randall RG75G2 Camo $240 bucks

Those two that you just listed are probably two of the worst SS amps out there. Look on ebay, I used to have a GFX65 brand new and the most I could get for it on ebay is $130. I'm sure you'll find something there.

Originally Posted by XeromusThose two that you are listed are probably two of the worst SS amps out there. Look on ebay, I used to have a GFX65 brand new and the most I could get for it on ebay is $130. I'm sure you'll find something there.

Okay... I kind of suspected this about the Kustom... kind of surprised about the Marshall... but oh well...

I guess I better plan a trip into Reno...

Oh, about that Randall... Actually, I kind of like it - but I'm kind of warped that way... some day I'll post a picture of my green-stained speaker cab that I built.

Thanks everyone, for all your input


I should get some black and yellow tape and quot;stryperizequot; it haha, anyway, hope you find something that suits you!!

Originally Posted by D-EJ915I should get some black and yellow tape and quot;stryperizequot; it haha,

I was thinking of things along those lines, yeah... the camo would be fun for a while - but I could see it getting kind of old someday. I wonder if it could be painted? but I guess you could just cover the cabinet with another material of some kind... for that price and all, you wouldn't feel bad about taking a chance with it. But I would definitely do something fun.

Unfortunately, I can't take the time to wait for something to be shipped - otherwise I would seriously consider this amp.

I'll try out the store (or stores) in Reno. If I can't find anything, then I'll conder the Randall

Thanks again,

Going through the internet looking for possible amps in my pwer range (50-100 watts) and my price range (under $300) this is a sampling of what I found:

Line 6 Spider II 112

Peavey Studio Pro II 112

Fender FM65R

Fender FM210R

Fender FM212R

B-52 LG7512

Hughes amp; Kettner Edition Blue 60R

and a couple of 65 watt Crates

Other than the Crates I don't have any specially knowledge or experience with any of these. If anyone has thoughts - yea or nay - about any of these... I'll be online checking here until I leave in a few hours. I would appreciate any wisdom you may want to share


Originally Posted by D-EJ915Marshall MGs are the worst solidstate amps you can buy, period.

...well maybe not the worst but they're really expensive for what they are...


For that price, you need to really hunt for a good deal. And it's going to have to be used. Look at pawn shops, especially in a bigger town where there are more places. Be sure to keep an eye out for any used amps in all the music stores you go to. Look here in the trading post, look on eBay, etc. Ask the guys at the music shops if they know of any used amps that are in your price range. You may be able to snag a used tube combo or head for that price, and you say you've got an extension cab, right? Use that! If you're hellbent on solid state, go modeling. To me, those are the best sounding SS amps. Good luck.

Here's what I would recommend:

Carvin MTS (tube) go on ebay often for $300

So do Line 6 Duoverbs which are also very good (modeling)

Was the 60watt roland they had a Roland cube?sounds right anyway.I haven't played the 60watt version but the 15watt version was one of the best SS amps ive played!Might be worth at least trying it anyway.

Try finding a laney Pro Tuber AOR30 or 60 combo they usualy go around the 300 mark and are kickass amps

Laney also has a new 'Hardcore' solidstate series...they might be worth looking into, they definetely look badass. quot;MXDquot; series.

looks aint everything =/what about a fender roc-pro 750? my friend has one and it's really cool. it has a tube preamp and solid state power section

Originally Posted by Daveylooks aint everything =/what about a fender roc-pro 750? my friend has one and it's really cool. it has a tube preamp and solid state power section
Yeah, unfortunately like no stores around me sell them

No digital effects just a spring reverb, and it may be over your budget, but if you're looking for a really great solid state combo at a reasonable price you should definitely check out the Tech 21 Trademark 60.

I have one and I love it.

Originally Posted by Simon_FNo digital effects just a spring reverb, and it may be over your budget, but if you're looking for a really great solid state combo at a reasonable price you should definitely check out the Tech 21 Trademark 60.

I have one and I love it.

1....GREAT all-round compact 1x12 combo that you can also run to your extension cab.

New, they're over $500, but you can find them used for $300-350.

Check out the clips here:

Thanks for all your input - I really do appreciate it.

I bought the Line 6 Spider II 112. I got it for $295. ($5 below MF)

I went into the store and told the salesman what I wanted - in terms of power and size - I didn't mention price - I wanted to see what he had.

He showed me a Marshall MG - said he'd had good results with them - but I recalled what I had heard here - so no.

He showed me a Vox - looked really interesting - but he didn't have the footswitch - and I really needed one.

He showed my a Peavey 30 - again interesting - but not the bang for buck I was looking for.

The Line 6 had it all - and what awesome tone!

I don't know, maybe the Crate has been dying longer than I thought and I had just gotten used to bad tone. But this is incredible. I played at church for our Saturday night service - the cleans were like crystal - and the distortion had so much MEAT - it was just plain fun.

Someday - I'll get a bigger, better setup - but for now, this is perfect.

Thanks again,

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