was just wondering...I swapped the 12ax7 that's in the V1 position of my tube amp with a different brand of 12ax7 (put a GT in there instead of the electroharmonix...someone said that putting a different tube in the first gain stage could really change the tone of the amp so I experimented)..

does this affect the life of the tubes or damage the amp in any way?

just doin' some more research is all =)


No problem mixing amp; matching preamp tubes in most cases. Replacing a 12AX7 with another 12AX7 should never cause a problem.

I just put a GE in V1 and a GT in V2 of my new amp.

It's the cheapest and easist way to change the tone of your amp. Experiment and have fun!

that's what I figured..was just checking though =) I THINK i have the GT in the V1 position..it's the pre amp tube furthest from the power tubes..I don't have a schematic so I can't be sure..but it makes ense...but I think tomorrow I'll move it over one space and see what that does...can't hurt =) it's hard to tell the different in tonality without being able to A/B it..although I notice that when I roll off the volume on my guitar to almost nothing it's still a little 'dirty'...so that's probably the new tube doin' its work

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