The Jensen speaker in my Blues Junior died and it is out of warranty. What speaker would you guys recomend I replace my old one with? I wasn't too happy with the factory Jensen. It seemed a little too flabby sounding.

which model was it?
I love the C12N in mine!

there are a ton of choices, though, so it depends on what tone you're going for

another Jensen I like that would probably sound good (if it fits) is the P12Q

anyway, there are others, like the Weber Blue Dog, a Celestion V30, Greenback or GH30

You have a great chance to change the tone of this amp to suit your style.

First and foremost, do you favor a US fenderish tone or a british tone?

A Celestion greenback or one of its clones (mojo 25M, weber silver dog, etc) sound great in 2xEL84 amps.

All the Jensens I've messed with (and it's not thatmany) have never done it for me.

Another good call is a Celestion G12H30 (or a mojo G30H) All around great speaker.

Of the speakers I've tied, I'd go with either a Celestion Vintage 30, or G12H30. I would aslo try out the new Eminence Governor, as well as the Eminence V12.

OK you guys better not laugh because I would have never thought this would be my end result to this. My Jensen in the Blues Junior Relic died Friday night. I needed a replacement for use on Sunday at church. As luck would have it I couldn't find a decent replacement speaker at any of the local shops. I tried one last place and all the guy had was a 12' speaker from his Crate V 15 amp. I gave the dude $20 for it went home and installed it and LOVED IT!!! To be honest with yall I look back and relize that I really hated the Jensen. It was flubby and thin sounding. beleive it or not this little Crate 12' is full, punchy, and smooth. Who would have ever guessed. LOL

We wouldn't laugh. There's a good chance that thats an Eminence V12 speaker. The specs match all the way down to 1.75quot; voice coil and 38oz. magnet. Its a great speaker from what I've heard. However, it is 16 ohm. If your amp didn't have that originally, it means you may lose a little power. If it sounds good, though, who cares?


I have two Blues Jr's at my home now. One has the stock Fender and the other has a Reverend All-Tone in it.

The Reverend is louder and smoother than the stock Blues Jr. speaker. Alot less quot;flabbyquot; as well.

Originally Posted by ArtieToo, it is 16 ohm. If your amp didn't have that originally, it means you may lose a little power. If it sounds good, though, who cares?


You are exactly right about the ohm issue. I realized that when I bought it and was somewhat worried, but I was in a jam and said what the heck!! I was plesently surprised by the end result though. This speaker seems the allow the amp to have a more transparent clean sound. This speaker came out of one of the little Class A Crates which don't sound half bad to begin with. I guess I have never thought too high of Crate, but it seems that they do produce SOME pretty decent stuff. That's a whole other thread though!!

I was going to chime in with a recommendation for the ceramic Weber Blue Dog if you want strong, clear bass with nice chime and a bit of British flavor... but it sounds like you lucked out!


Originally Posted by Curlywhich model was it?
I love the C12N in mine!

Mine is a Jensen P12R

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