Hi all,

I have 2 Alnico Alnico II Pro single-coils for neck/mid positions and I want to make them into a complete set. I looked on the SD site, but there is no mention of an Alnico II Pro specifically for the bridge position, so would it be correct of me to assume that any Alnico II Pro can go in any position?

Also, the early era Strats did not have RW/WP pickups for the mid position right? They were all wound the same way weren't they?

I just took a look at the products section and see that the Alnico II Pro's are available as RWRP middle pickups.

from : localhost//website...s/strats.shtml

The early strats did not use a RWRP middle pickup. However, they also used a 3-position switch which you would have to quot;jamquot; to get the notched positions.

Originally Posted by BlueGuitarI just took a look at the products section and see that the Alnico II Pro's are available as RWRP middle pickups.

Yup, that I knew. I was trying to figure out if I went with a set of 3 wound the same way, whether it would sound authentic Thanks though!

if you want a set, you should order a calibrated set

Originally Posted by Curlyif you want a set, you should order a calibrated set

While I tend to agree that things should come in matched sets (i.e.: pickups, tubes, etc.), what is the calibration they do for pickups? Is it that they match the ones with the most similar DC resistance? Or are there other factors involved?

I'm pretty sure when you order a calibrated set, the output gets higher as you get closer to the bridge. The reason they make humbuckers in neck and bridge positions is becuase there is more string movement over the neck and less in the bridge. This means the signal won't be as strong in the bridge position, so it's wound a bit hotter to balance with the neck pickup. I would assume in a calibrated strat set, the neck would have the lowest output, the middle a little more or the same as the neck, and the bridge wound a bit hotter.

Not 100% sure, but i think the APS1 is available in bridge - check for quot;Bquot; on the end of the product name on the sticker (if it's in store). My shop had no calibrated sets, so i took a lil 59 fro the bridge. I wouldn't want to shell out cash for two neck pups, and put one in the bridge, cause the voicing/eq and output would probably not be suitable... Problem for now is the fact that you already have the two pups. Hopefully some store can separate a calibrated set for you, or you might be in your 21 day window. Or get a slightly hotter stack type pup in the bridge. My APS1's compliment my lil 59 very nicely...

Cory Dylan - Thanks for the input, hadn;t thought about that.

Toenail-Tommy - Nice pickup combo, I had my two APS1s complimented with a JB Jr. in the bridge. I really feel that the SC sized HBs really give the Strats (and Teles) an extremely versatile edge over say the run of the mill Gibson LP or PRS Custom... A Strat can pull off a HB sound, but an HB will have a harder time pulling off a single coil sound.

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