I've been seriously eyeing this guitar for awhile now

....and I have some questions, if you please. I owned a studio briefly 12 or 13 years ago, and just don't remember much about the details.

1) Neck Profile? what's it like..say in Gibson terms? 60s production std? 50s production std? something else?

2) Hamer neck joint claims quot;long tenonquot; sustain/stength...thoughts?

3) Fretboard binding: is this up the side edge of the frets like on a Gisbon? or like most other brands ?

4) Hamer says they use quot;lacquerquot; for the finish, is it Nitro?

5) How are the stock pots/electronics?

6) Stock TOM bridge/TP....are these TonePros? If not, quality?

Any good online mom and pop dealers for these? (i.e. like the LPF dealers who will go through a few for ya and pick the quot;bestquot; one out..I could care less about how flamey it is or if there's a minor aesthetic flaw..I'm looking for tone). I found a local dealer but of course, he won't order one and offer a refund/different guitar if I don't like the one that comes in....grrrrrrrr

Thanks in advance.

Beautiful. Edit: I had a Hamer Special, bought it in 1982. The neck was much narrower and the thinner than my Explorers neck bought in 1984. I preferred the Explorer neck to the Hamer Special. I don't know if things have changed with Hamer or not.

But...I'm no guru.

Originally Posted by Guitar Toadbeautiful, just get it.

I'm not worried about beautiful...I want tone and playability

For looks, I prefer the Korina model...but I know Explorers can be a bit dark, and the maple cap on this one will help, plus I prefer the feel of binding on the neck which the Korina model doesn't have.

I assume you are asking about MIA Hamers. I am by no means a Guru but Looked at Hamers as well as Gibson and several others before bying my R8 so I did some research...I'll try to help you out.

1) Neck Profile? what's it like..say in Gibson terms? 60s production std? 50s production std? something else? Nothing like Gibson Historics, more like a Standard 60's neck, some do get bigger but again, not the log size neck you'll get on a 57 or 58 reissue LP.

2) Hamer neck joint claims quot;long tenonquot; sustain/stength...thoughts? Hamers tenon is not as deep as a Historic Gibson but it is deeper than a Standard Gibson but it is also a good bit wider.

3) Fretboard binding: is this up the side edge of the frets like on a Gisbon? or like most other brands ? I do not recall if they have bound fret ends or not, but I want to say that they do not.

4) Hamer says they use quot;lacquerquot; for the finish, is it Nitro? Not sure, it didn't smell or feel like Nitro to me.

5) How are the stock pots/electronics? The pots have a good feel as does the switch but I have no idea what they are. Im sure they are high quality, Hamer doesn't mess around.

6) Stock TOM bridge/TP....are these TonePros? If not, quality? They are not Tone Pros (at least the one(s) I played were not but they were high quality. I wish they used a lighweight aluminum stop bar.

I hope that helps?!

Actually, Rob is the Hamer Goober, but you're close enough.

I'll try to answer a few.

1) I've got no clue about this one.

2) They demonstrated this when Jol came to the guitar store here a few months ago. Their neck joint is slightly dovetailed and is so tight it will hold without glue. Then they glue it. There are almost no gaps at all.

3) It's done over the frets, but much better than a lot of Gibsons. I've seen some good jobs on the Gibsons, too, though.

4) I'm pretty sure it's Nitro, but I'd wait for someone else to chime in.

5) The pups are Duncans, of course, selected over a course of discussion and trial-and-error between Jol and Seymour. The other components feel very well made, but I don't remember the brands.

6) I really don't remember what brand the bridge is. It seems to be pretty good quality, though.

Thanks Christian/MIA..and yeah def the USA models Christian....no alder bodies for me

the neck is the biggest determining factor for me..rounded and smallish is OK..flat and smallish (like a 60s production LP) is a no go...lack of fretside binding I can deal with but from this pic I found it *looks* like Gibson binding
Hopefully Rob and Lew will chime in....

I'm gonna try and find one in stock somewhere so I can check the neck out...

I'm also seeing widely varying weights...from 8 to 11 pounds...

We have two shops here in central-ish Arkansas that carry US Hamers and we may be getting a third, but no one has a Standard. I'd love to try out one of them.

They've got a DVD showing the whole process of making a guitar and, if you can find one, it shows how they do their binding on the frets (as well as the rest of the guitar) and the neck tenon. I don't know if you can get the video from their website or if you have to get one from a dealer, but it's pretty informative and will give you a lot more respect for the guys that have some of the tedious jobs on their nicer models.

Can't D'load the trailer on the website for the DVD from here, but will tonite.

But found out the binding is up the side of the fret like Gibsons.

My fave body style, fave wood construction (mahog/maple cap), with LP appointments (traps, binding all around body/neck), good upper fret access, fave Duncan pups (59s), and no goofy typical Hamer headstock

hopefully the neck doesn't suck...

My man...you have the worst case of GAS I have seen lately!

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireMy man...you have the worst case of GAS I have seen lately!

Jeff must be really stress out or he hit some major lotto numbers.

I know

Friggin sad isn't it?

Shoulda never sent that friggin LP Deluxe back ...I'd be friggin happy as a pig in $hit....that one had the mojo and the tone...

I'm keepin the Rivera..... 1987X is gonna be the one to go...will get witcha soon 'bout that...now I'm off to get my boy

Dave's Guitar has a rather nice Hamer Standard in stock and I've had a few opportunities to play it. I also have a copy of the DVD mentioned in this thread. Based on what I know, here are the answers to those questions:

1. The neck is thinner than my 2001 LP Standard, but thicker than my 1996 Explorer. I would say it is a slightly thinner '50s shape. Hamer's modern contour (custom order only) is a '60 slim taper.

2. The neck joint is an oversize dovetail joint that is larger than either of the joints Gibson uses. They claim that it helps the guitar resonate, and I'd have to agree. The USA Hamers I've played all resonate extremely well whereas Gibsons vary considerably. I would buy a USA Hamer without seeing it, which is something I can say about extremely few guitar makers these days.

3. All of their binding is over the frets. If you want frets over the binding (like current USA Jacksons) you need to special-order it that way.

4. Jol talks about the lacquer they use on the DVD, but I can't remember what he says... I'll watch it again in the next few days and get back to you.

5. The stock pots and electronics are extremely good. I wouldn't even change them to CTS. (A mod I make to ALL of my Gibsons) Stock pickups in a USA Standard are a pair of '59s.

6. The TOM/bar used are Gotoh if I remember correctly. They do offer Tone-pros as an option.

All of this being said, current USA Hamers are like a work of art. Their build quality by far surpasses anything Gibson and Fender are doing today and they're very accomodating as far as custom options are concerned. In fact the only thing I'd want to change would be different pickups, Sperzel Locking Tuners, and Tone Pros TOM/bar.

Jeff, the Hamer shop is in CT. If you wanted to order one, you could always give Jol a call and work out the details in person. I talked to him when he stopped by Dave's a few months ago and he said to feel free to call if I had any questions about a custom order. In fact, I hope to start putting away money for my own Hamer Standard once I payoff my new Hamp;K Triamp.


Thank you very much for the ecellent info! I *think* that neck would be OK based on your description. I'll see if I can find one within driving distance just to make sure. Most of the online places I've fiund them at have a 48 hour approval period, but I'd still if possible like to play one first.

Thats really the only Hamer I've ever wanted since I got that Studio, years and years ago. No doubt they are well built, just various things about them didn't jive with me...aesthetically...location of pup switch, etc. But that Standard *IS* an Explorer, which I've always loved, so maybe if the neck works out, I'll give it a go!

Hey, Jeff. If there was anything that I thought that I could add, I would. The question has been answered very well. In addition, that's the one model that I know very little about. They just never appealed to me. Way cool guitar, just not for me. Good luck with it!



Some good news...and not so sure if it's good or not news about these Standards, after doing some research on the Hamer website...

Not sure news: The maple top is a veneer and not a cap even on the USA Standard. Not a huge deal, and I'm kinda relieved in a way as with the 59B and the good pots they use I thought it may get TOO bright. But I was hoping for a bit of added mids complexity compared to all mahogany, which is basically what a veener topped guitar will be. Not a deal killer though.

GOOD NEWS: I found the neck measurements for the Standard, and it matches up nearly exact as my Bird! nut width is very slightly smaller 1.680 for the Hamer vs. 1.687 for the bird. Thickness at the 1st fret for the Hamer is .850 vs .830 for the Bird, and at the 12th fret it's identical at .900

I LOVE the neck on the Bird (somewhere between a Gibson LP std production 60s, and production 50s) and the slightly greater thickness at the 1st fret I'd actually prefer.

I think I'm gonna have to give one of these Hamer Standards a go...I've been feeling the need to try something different, yet that is still familiar (it's an Explorer for petes sakes )

I hope that it's all that you hope that it will be, and I've still got dibs on the user name.

hey jeff i just picked up a 1995 USA hamer standard custom quot;59 burstquot; with a very jimmy page les paul lookin top bound body with an unbound neck with dots not crowns . it should be here next week , i'll give you a full tone report . can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by HamerPlyrI hope that it's all that you hope that it will be, and I've still got dibs on the user name.

LOL, and Thanks Rob. I sold about $2300 worth of stuff on Ebay this week, so I *could* get one now, but I do have some bills and other obligations to take care of first. Prolly next month.

Shred, def keep me updated please.

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