I will be selling BOTH of my JBL d130f speakers. These are 15 inch masterpieces, each of them freshly reconed locally and broken in.
If any of you guys take interest in this sale, you probably already recognize the amazing tone that these speakers get. All alnico, smooth compressed sound when cranked, etc.

I will be needing an amp by july 9th, so I either have to sell them now and buy a new amp, or stay with both speakers.

My prices will start at 300 plus shipping for one (depends on zip), 570 plus shipping for both.
Let's haggle a bit, if anybody has a counteroffer, or an amp up for trade im flexible.


I'm giving the forum priority over ebay, so any suggested offers will be considered. These came out of a 60's dual showman when i bought it off of ebay a few months ago. Frames are in excellent shape, and the speakers are gig tested and broken in.

I was thinking of getting my hands on a marshall 1960A cabinet and cutting a 2x15 baffle for these monsters, but it would destroy my back. I plan on downsizing the rig to a 2x12 combo.

COME ON, please buy my product?!?!??

nobody likes real vintage 60's jbl's around here?

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