Hey dudes. I have a Reverend Slingshot Custom guitar with P-90s. The guitar is a semi-hollow bolt on with a mahogany block in the middle, with phenolic top and back. I love the axe, and for the amount I use them, the neck and middle pickups are cool. I don't really like the Bridge pickup all that much though. I find that it lacks balls and growl, and tends to be a little on the nasal and abrasive side when overdriven, although it does have a nice clean tone. The bridge pickup is wound to 8.5k, according to the sticker on the back. I'm actually looking for something that sounds a bit more like the Phat Cat pickup, which is nice and growly and ballsy, but not all that hot. I basically just want to play classic rock and blues with this guitar.

For an idea of what I'm after tonally, check out the clip here -

from : localhost/

I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas for a replacement bridge pickup, whether it be from the SD line or another manufacturer. Thanks a lot!

Maybe the Custom is what you are looking for? I have one sitting here waiting to go into a body, but I have not used it yet. I hope that is what it sounds like! It may be tough to get a fatness that Les Paul clip has with the plastic body of your Revered, but the Custom may help you get there. It is supposed to be dirty and ballsy.

Yeah, the Reverend is more of an open, bluesy sound, but the Phat Cat sounds ballsy in my Ibanez RG which is also bolt-on, so I should be able to get decently close with the Reverend. Which SD P-90 sounds like that Phat Cat? Has anyone tried the Fralin P-90s? What do you think?

tried tweaking the pickup height?

Yes, i've tried tweaking everything.

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