Hey guys. Is it me or my guitar? I can't seem to do any full bends up untill UI play around the higher frets, and even then it's hard. I'm only able to do it with the Be and E strings, and when i try with the G string my finger tiops ALWAYS grab the D string and then play that string to by accident, unless I push my finger tips underneath the D string. When I try doing bends around the fith to nineth fret, the strings are just tooooo stiff and dont give way. I'm using 9 guage strings, and my bridge is prety damn flush with the body of the guitar. Do I need a new setup done, or am I really weak? If I remember correctly I used to be able to bends just fine, but it's been a while since this issue started and I never really paid any mind to it. Any advice?

It could be both you and the guitar, try getting the action adjusted, and if that doesnt solve the issue, it could be your technique, I had similar problems, I had the action adjusted a bit, and also combined that with experimenting with ways to bend and not sound the other strings . . . Sorry man, this isnt a tone of help

It almost sounds to me like you need bigger frets. I know when I've tried to do bends on guitars that had low, low frets, I couldn't get it done. My fingers slip off the strings and I end up dogging the notes more (as if I actually needed help in that area!).

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