Hey Guys

I thought my pickups in my Ibanez Talman were the best. They sounded good live but when I started recording with them...maaaan they sound so flat and lifeless. I think the current ones are the just the standard Super 59s or something.

I am using a Orange ADHTC30 Head and a Marshall JCM900 4100 along with a Marshall 1960AV with Vintage 30s. I am trying to get that kind of Blood Brothers, At the Drive In guitar sound. I don't want a metal tone!!! Something that is nice and warm with mids and that will cut through the mix.

I know Omar (ATDI/Mars Volta) uses JBs. I'm not trying to replicate his sound but I want something that sounds good with the guitar and the gear I have. I just want a dynamic sound. Not something flat and lifeless with low outputs like the ones that the Ibanez fit by default.

JBs, Custom Customs, Pearly Gates?

Also would I need to get the trembucker versions of the pickups or will the standard ones suffice?

What do you guys recommend?

Thanks for all your help and tips!

I replaced the Super 58 in my Talman TC825's bridge position, with a SD 59. It sounds sooooo much better than stock pickup. The Super 58's are very bright, with very little character in the mids, and almost no low end. The SD 59 is better in every way. I'm also going to put an alnico 2 pro in the neck, and I might try a Custom Custom in the bridge instead of the 59, for more pronounced mids. I really like the mids on A2 pickups.

BTW what bridge does the 420 have. My bigsby works fine with the normal spaced pickups.

Yeah it uses a Super58 in the bridge and the neck. Heres a pic of the guitar but with lipstick pickups. Mine doesnt have a bigsby or anything.

from : localhost/thinking a Duncan Custom, JB, or a Custom Custom.

Originally Posted by FireBros.I replaced the Super 58 in my Talman TC825's bridge position, with a SD 59. It sounds sooooo much better than stock pickup. The Super 58's are very bright, with very little character in the mids, and almost no low end. The SD 59 is better in every way. I'm also going to put an alnico 2 pro in the neck, and I might try a Custom Custom in the bridge instead of the 59, for more pronounced mids. I really like the mids on A2 pickups.

BTW what bridge does the 420 have. My bigsby works fine with the normal spaced pickups.

I had a custom5 in my TC825 for two years before I sold it two months ago. Let me tell you it is the bomb. I also took out the bigsby arm and spring so it worked like a TOM bridge. I had tremendous low end from custom5 and the lack of the trem. On the top I had so much harmonics it was scary. I think custom5 in maple bolt on alder without a trem is a great configuration I will go back to.

JB bridge, Pearly Gates neck sounds like what you're looking for.

I'm all confused now!! hahaha.

Uhm I though the JB might be too high endish. The Ibanez Talman is a very very light guitar and it doesn't have much bottom end or any mids.

So I want something that balances everything out but at the same time has some high output and would work with the current gear I have. Does the Custom5 have nice mids? What kinda mids/lows does the JB have. Every review I read on the JB seems to say it would suit a heavier guitar which already has some nice bottom end but would make a guitar with too much top end a bit shrill sounding.

Everyones advice is much appreciated. Keep it coming!

Originally Posted by javlaI'm all confused now!! hahaha.

Uhm I though the JB might be too high endish. The Ibanez Talman is a very very light guitar and it doesn't have much bottom end or any mids.

So I want something that balances everything out but at the same time has some high output and would work with the current gear I have. Does the Custom5 have nice mids? What kinda mids/lows does the JB have. Every review I read on the JB seems to say it would suit a heavier guitar which already has some nice bottom end but would make a guitar with too much top end a bit shrill sounding.

Everyones advice is much appreciated. Keep it coming!

I own a TC825, and TC620, and they are both bright guitars. Many people I have heard, said that the JB is bright as well, so even though I haven't heard one, it would not be my first choice for a Talman. The C5 is an A5 magnet version of the Custom Custom. Either of those would probably be better in your guitar, over the JB.

Thanks Firebros

The body is basswood and has a tremelo bridge.

Whats the difference between the C5 and the Custom Custom. I want something with nice mids and that cuts through the mix. It has to have well balanced bass and highs. After listening to samples the Custom Custom sounds very compressed though.Could I use the normal versions rather than the trembucker versions.


An EQ comparison between the C5, Custom, Custom Custom and JB would be useful.

OK, here's my take on the EQ shapes of the pickups you mentioned (Lows/Low Mids/High Mids/Highs) :

C5: 7/5/5/7

Custom: 8/6/5/7

Custom Custom: 6/8/7/6

JB: 7/5/7/6Personally, I really like the Custom and CC.

Yeah the Custom Custom sounds good but it might not have enough bite.
It sounds a bit too smooth. I want something that can cut a little bit as well.

Maybe the Custom will do the job since it has a nice bottom end and lots of mids but it might be too high endish. The C5 doesnt have enough mids from what I have been reading.

See what kinda dilemma im in now! So many options...so much confusion!

Please help. I guess I'm after that Blood Brothers guitar sound if anyone knows what Im talking about (at the same time I have to take into account my guitar is made of basswood at has no bass/no mid characteristics)

So i guess its the Custom vs the Custom 5

get one and then if you don't like it, use the 21day return, to try the other one. Then tell us what you've found.

I recieved the Custom today in the mail.

I'll let you guys know how it works out. I'm getting a pro to wire it up.

Tried out my Talman with the Custom installed.

Sounds much more fuller sounding with more punch. The EQ is very balanced so it doesnt sound too high endish or rounded.

Obviously for the price of the guitar its not perfect sounding but its much much better sounding than before and doesn't sound as muddy and there is more clarity and punch. Exactly what I was after.

Thanks for everyones help!

I'll be buying another guitar soon and I'll be back.


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