I haven't identified the neck gibson pickup yet but the bridge is a '57 classic. He's got them in his Epiphone Riviera semi hollow. And for a relatively inexpensive guitar and leftover pickups from a les paul that were just thrown in the guitar, he gets some kick ass tone. He's mainly a jazz/fusion guy but plays some hard rock and metal as well, we really combine multiple genres in our playing as to not pigeonhole ourselves and be kind of unique. One tune we are working on now is a straight up blues shuffle which turns into a reggae funk rhythm into a heavy metal solo section and back into a hot blues/jazz part. It's really cool.

but anyway, I envy the fact that he gets good tone without even trying. Plus most of the time he plays through a fender stage 100 I mean it gets better when he plays through my legacy or tube combo. But still. It just goes to show you can sound really good through very inexpensive equipment if your playing and technique is spot-on.

I still love my SD pickups The funny thing is I don't sound good playing his guitar. I'm more of a solidbody kinda guy. But he digs my duncans too and I've been trying to get him to throw a set of '59s or seths in that guitar. But he won't go for it.

For some reason, at least in my experience, mediocre tones coming from another player always seem better than even my best tones.

Originally Posted by mridFor some reason, at least in my experience, mediocre tones coming from another player always seem better than even my best tones.

Lol -- the grass is always greener...

Just let him have what he wants. If it works for him, why try to convince him to change? You are satisfied with his tone too. I say just let it be.

BB King gets a great tone from Gibson pickups as does Derek Trucks and others. Great players make great music using darn near anything! Gibson pickups are fine and right now, I think Gibson is making the best pickups they've offered since about 1966...though I prefer Duncans. Lew

Gibson's 57 Classics are great sounding pickups. I tried a jb\59 set in my LP Studio but the 57 classics sounded much better.

Originally Posted by saladinGibson's 57 Classics are great sounding pickups. I tried a jb\59 set in my LP Studio but the 57 classics sounded much better.

The 57 Classics are very nice pickups but they only lasted about 2 days in my '59 Les Paul Historic. They're good, but there are Duncans I like alot better.

You might like to read this review. Click on the guitar pickups reviews.

from : localhost/www.legendarytones.com

I had 57 Classics in my SG and it sounded like ass! I put some PRS Dragons in and it's better, but I think I'm going to try my Duncans and see if it warms up a little.

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