i searched around but i couldnt really find anything...is there a place where i can find out about how to install a floyd rose tremolo on my guitar ? also if i have just a standard nut is there any way i can install the locking nut on my own ? thanks in advance.

Installing the floyd tremolo isnt all that bad. Its a bit of a challange though. Preparing for the nut is alot harder.

reason im asking is because ive got a guitar routed for a floyd but dont have one yet..but its got a standard nut on it and i wanted to get a locking one because ive heard they are better...im not sure if thats just preferance or what..if the standard nuts are better i guess ill just keep the one i got.

perhaps if you get a good set of schaller locking tuners instead of the locking nut you'd be better off. Much more convenient for tuning IMO...

someone pointed me to the grover ones (18:1) and i have a set of those, is a locking nut necessary with locking tuners ? whats a good material to have the nut made out of ?

bone, and im pretty sure you wouldn't need a locking nut with locking tuners....any floyd wankers have a comment on this?

You absolutely need a locking nut with a FR bridge.
The early charvel's used a locking nut just above the stock nut. Maybe they're still available.

The Locking nut is going to have alot better tuning stability with the floyd but, the locking tuners will be a big improvement over the standard tuners. Just make sure your nut is in good shape and it lets the strings move freely. BTW, If you have a locking nut, you do not need locking tuners at all.

whats the purpose of having a locking nut with a floyd bridge ?

Originally Posted by RCM78You absolutely need a locking nut with a FR bridge.

For best results and tuning stability you are correct. It isnt a must but, its the best option. I think Carvin makes a guitar with a floyd bridge with a standard nut and locking tuners.

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkywhats the purpose of having a locking nut with a floyd bridge ?

The purpose is to have the strings totally locked at the nut and the bridge. with a standard nut the strings dont move as freely as you would want with heavy bar wanking so, it pretty much takes the nut out of the equation when the strings are locked. Same goes with the tuners.

i dont really expect ( infact i plan not to ) use the bar that comes with it, im just using it for the bridge...

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkywhats the purpose of having a locking nut with a floyd bridge ?

Any tremolo system pulls on the tuning pegs. When you move the bar up and down, this motion can cause the string to slip in the tuner, and you lose the tuning. A locking nut, does just what the name implies: it clamps the strings down at precisely the same place, preventing the strings from slipping.

Locking tuners are not a good substitute for a locking nut.

You can find schematics and installation instructions for installing a Floyd Rose here:

from : localhost/floydrose.com/instructions.htmlI would recommend staying with an ORIGINAL FLOYD ROSE, not a cheap licensed copy made with inferior parts, or someone's takeoff on the idea (Schaller and Wilkinson come to mind); these other bridges, aside from Ibanez's Lo Pro bridge are universally despised, and even the Lo Pro is arguable (right, Zerb? ).

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkyi dont really expect ( infact i plan not to ) use the bar that comes with it, im just using it for the bridge...

You say that now, but you WILL end up using it at some point.


Installing a locking nut is tricky business and best left to someone that knows what they are doing.

actually i dont want to use it at all, i dont even think i want it on there...whats it cost to get a locking nut installed ?

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkyi dont really expect ( infact i plan not to ) use the bar that comes with it, im just using it for the bridge...

Just using it for the bridge it wont be a problem at all even with standard tuners and the standard nut. I agree with Twilightodyssey though. It will be tempting to wank on it.

Originally Posted by theodieJust using it for the bridge it wont be a problem at all even with standard tuners and the standard nut. I agree with Twilightodyssey though. It will be tempting to wank on it.

Actually, the height of the nut may be different due to the way the Floyd is mounted onto the body, which is why a locking nut is kinda carved into the 1st fret.

I have no idea how much it costs to have this done, depends on where you live. In NY, a locking nut install would run about $80.

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkyactually i dont want to use it at all, i dont even think i want it on there...whats it cost to get a locking nut installed ?

Hehe ... suure you don't want it on there.
That's why you're asking all these questions, because you have no interest in it!

actually i just needed info on how to install them..ive heard the locking ones are better..but..if the locking ones are better because ppl like to play with a bar then im not so sure i need one..

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