
I have been a huge fan of David Gilmour's for ages.... His solo tune Blue Light from 1984 is one of my favourites! As is his guitar work on Pete Townshend's 1985 White City album and Deep End shows.... (the 1985 Brixton show is avilable to buy from on 2 cd's and Gilmour is part of the band.... click on the Eel Pie site link.... You can buy Live Soundboard Pete and Who cd's thru links on that site that you can not buy in the stores.... The versions of Give Blood and Blue Light from this show is hot!!!!)

Anyways how is the Delay set for Davids Blue Light and for Pete's Give Blood... What Delay units did David own back then?



for blue light you'll need two mxr delays. Both used at the same time with one set at 4/4 and the other at 3/4 time.

Originally Posted by buckkillr8for blue light you'll need two mxr delays. Both used at the same time with one set at 4/4 and the other at 3/4 time.

very cool!!!! were did you get this info from?!?!?!? I have 2 delays but they are not mxr's..... I imagine one each into a different amp?

I don't know anything about David using them but those old green MXR Analog Delays kick ass...I use to have one, it got ripped off at a gig and I have never replaced it mostly because they bring a lot of money but they do sound good!

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireI don't know anything about David using them but those old green MXR Analog Delays kick ass...I use to have one, it got ripped off at a gig and I have never replaced it mostly because they bring a lot of money but they do sound good!

That tune Blue Light has got the sickest delay sounds! Oh my god that track just has the nicest sounding Gilmour strat sounds that he has ever recorded.... I was under the impression he had Rack mounted MXR Delays... if there was such a thing in 1983/84.... ?

Sorry to hear about your pedal getting ripped off... people think i'm nuts taking MIM and other cheap guitars and few used and beat up amps to bars instead of my good stuff.... but stuff does get ripped off...


yes these delays I'm reffering to are the rack mount ones. Check out my signature, I know a little about Gilmour. Check out my Esquire I built too.

from : localhost/photobucket.com/albums/v667/buckkillr8/

Geez buckkillr8!!! You have 60% of Gilmour's Pulse rig nailed! I'm impressed and awed!

(Where are your univibes, and doppolas?

actually having some plans drawn up for the doppolas. I've already had a lot of custom work done as you can tell, right down to the furman rack having custom dimmers intalled. My big muff has been modified by Pete Cornish.

I was wondering about Gilmore's rig, which photo is it? I clicked on the link titled Golmore rig and no pics?

Just check out the pics on the page. I didn't even realize his aim until halfway though, I was just thinking quot;Ooh... Nice EMG loaded Strat... WEM cab! Hiwatt... Wow look at those pedals, I've only seen a Tube Diver and Metallizer on Gilmour's Pulse rig. Wait a minute...quot;

I've got a esquire copy page on there as well

What is the little Hiwatt stack called? And the red Ibanez pedal?
Cool room, I'm jealous.

thats a hiwatt mini stack, just a little pratice amp, daughter plays there it more then I do. The ibanez pedal is a CP-9 compressor.

So does Gilmore use 3 different compressors?

If you don't mind typing it out what is his gear list for most Floyd stuff?

It would actually be easier to tell you to go to as I agree with most everything Bjorn has there.

cool, thanks!

Originally Posted by buckkillr8yes these delays I'm reffering to are the rack mount ones. Check out my signature, I know a little about Gilmour. Check out my Esquire I built too.

from : localhost/photobucket.com/albums/v667/buckkillr8/

Ya i checked out your photos yesterday.... nice set up for sure.... i've had the same idea before but never went ahead and tried to get a set up even close to his... good to see someone followed thru and made up a nice Gilmour type set up. Is the strat an American Reissue? and what is the details of the Esquire/tele copy you destressed to look like Gilmour's???

When i was in England i went and found Pete Townshends Thames river side studios called The Boathouse/Oceanic studios.... Gilmour had a river side studio somewhere near Petes for years but i walked up and down the river for miles both ways and never found it.... Townshend's studio is neat... years ago Pete wanted to add onto the house the studio is in and the City of London would not let him get a permit to do the work... something about saving the river and all that stuff.. Anyways Pete bought an old metal hual sail boat and parked it right beside his studios.... they then made another studio on the boat..... Gilmour was said to of done the same just down river... i never found it.

The strat is a '57 reissue. Shortened trem arm, emg's, everything's the same right down to the custom gauge strings I have ordered for it. (Same a Gilmour's) The Esquire copy I made, and reliced myself. It's still a work in progress but it's pretty much done.

from : localhost/img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...lmourStrat.jpg

from : localhost/img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...CF00022211.jpg

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