
do these things go through batteries or is it just me?
my verbzilla goes through a 9 volt battery in 20 minutes!!

not cool, i dont want to have any more wires to trip over (the line 6 adapter)
im thinking about getting a holy grail, electro harmonix stuff seems to run forever on a battery.

Since they are digital they eat batteries somewhat fast...never understood why they just don't close that option down for good??
No chorus, delay, flanger or anything digital runs very long on a 9v battery.
It is another case with AA 1.5 volts batteries, Vox seems to have gotten the point on that one, their new tubepedals uses AA batteries instead of those kinda useless 9v.

The electro harmonix holy grail reverb Isn't true bypass though (neither is the line6 but it has a buffer circut), So it'll destroy your tone if you ever turn it off.

i thought the new ones were true bypass? (eh)

Man give me a break....true bypass is the new times sell word
That buffer may be the reason why you have any highs left with a long cable pr example

Originally Posted by stonabusi thought the new ones were true bypass? (eh)

I'm fairly sure they're still not true bypass. If they were I'm sure the price would have gone up. They're still great pedals, but Only when they're On. Its really easy to make it tbp though, esspecially if you don't need an indicator light (and really who does? IF its on its pretty obvious, cause You can hear it).

Price up for true bypass??
It should cost less really!
They are saving a whole stage worth of components and time used for making one
It should be cheaper.

Originally Posted by RidPrice up for true bypass??
It should cost less really!
They are saving a whole stage worth of components and time used for making one
It should be cheaper.

That would be True On a Pedal with a Buffered circut. But On an Electro harmonix pedal (which has no Buffering). They would actully have to Use an entirely different foot switch, in order to Get tbp and Maintain a functioning indicator light.
They currently use a dpdt stomp switch, and they would have to switch to a 3pdt stomp switch. That extra Row of contacts on the switch is Needed to maintain standard operation (i.e. indicator light when On), And still be able to perform as Tbp. And those 3pdt switches are More expensive than a dpdt switch. So The Increase in parts costs Means increased msrp (to maintain they're profit margin).
Not to mention the tooling costs and training costs involved with any design change. No matter how small a design/production change, That requires Reprograming of the computers that assemble the product, and that Increases cost, which in turn Increases msrp (to maintain the same profit margin).
And also With True Bypass Being touted as a Big deal (which it is), They Know Guitarists would be willing to pay Extra. If They thought they were getting an improved tone, or Just nieve. And Any company that thinks they can get away with chargeing more Will. Even if its not justified.


You don't have to have Line6's adapter to run on wall power. The best thing you could do would be to run a pedal board to minimize the number of cables running all over the place.

they suck battery real fast. and no , they're not true bypass.

Hehe thanks for the lecture...
Not that I have not heard it before
Those switches are not that expensive, well they get that expensive because people are willing to pay that much extra for an measly extra row with three more legs.
And if people really where so big the whole shebang in parallel.
Welll most are not, they like convinent, and true bypass just gives you another set of troubles!
Most pedals runs on measly 9v in, that means very low internal voltage, on components mostly designed to stand 25 volts, and most likely it is a singlesupply setup as well.
Anyways enough of this
I have stuff to do...hehe

my line6 dl4 lasts about 15 hours on new batteries. it can be set for true bypass, but i don't set it that way- i want the delays to trail off if i shut it off.

Originally Posted by RidMan give me a break....true bypass is the new times sell word
That buffer may be the reason why you have any highs left with a long cable pr example

LMFAO!!! I'm with ya, Rid.

And Ed, you can get TB with an idicator using a DPDT switch.
Analog Alchemy LED Trick is one way.

As for the issue at hand, it's been that way since the introduction of digital pedals. My ancient DD-2 eats batteries for lunch. I use nothing but a regulated 9v supply with it. It sits behind the amp on the floor and is always on so an additional power supply there is nothing.

I stopped thinking about that stuff. Voodoo PPII for power, and I remove pedals from the loop with a 'dual loop box.' That way, you can put all your 'tonesuckers' toward the back of your board, and bring them in with a button located at the front. What's nice about that is that you can setup combinations, then bring them into the signal at once.

Yep that is the best after a parallel setup, use a loop combinator.

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