I am getting a new Gauge guitar and am torn on a color. Either the tobacco burst or a silver burst. Opinions please.

I posted pics in the test area if you would like to take a look. I can't figure out how to post them in this post.

They're both gorgeous axes.

I'd probably go with the tobacco, but that silver is fine too!

I like this one better

especily with that gorgeous top on it

wow... that IS a nice colour.... go with that, whatever it is

I think in the future I'm going to have to have him build me a guitar.

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25I like this one better

especily with that gorgeous top on it

That looks like a McNaught, even down to the inlays.

EDIT: I spy a black limba/korina back there too .

I'd be VERY surprised if that wasn't a McNaught.

I've always thought tobacco sunburst was cool myself

I'm pretty sure it is. Great color though, I always like grays and blacks on guitars.

while that color looks great, the zebra pickups DEFINATELY compliment that color unbelievably well... perfect IMO.

They're both gorgeous, but I think I lean towards the Sunburst.

btw - the way you post a pic here, is exactly the same way you post one there.

that's a tough call...the tobacco burst, silverburst, rootbeer, and blue are my favorite Lp type colors....you really can't go wrong with either!

I say Silverburst, I've never really liked Tobaccoburst...

What's the specs on your Guage guitar?, they are real nice, I'd have one already if I lived in the US!

Thanks for the posts guys. Today is the first day I have been able to get back to the computer.

One vote for Tobacco Bust.

I think that I'd get tired of the silver burst.

Finally here is the Tobacco burst pic. Thanks for taking the time to give me some input.

just to be clear- that IS a mcnaught - and not my own work - just a sample i shot over as a color option
and just to make matter's worse, it wouldn't relly be a silver burst the way givbson does it - opaque
but rather a black/grey stain
i wouldn't want to lose any of the 5A quilt top behidn opaque color


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