Ok guys I have a small amt of my paint chipped off my guitar because my strap fell off the strap peg. The spot is about a cm^2 area on the guitar body. Do you guys know how I can get it filled in with possibly the same paint? I don't really care if it looks a bit different in that spot, I just want it filled in so I can wipe down my guitar around that spot. I heard something like nitrocelluose can fill could be used to fill the spot in.
Can you guys give me any recommendations on what to do?
There is a number of different ways to approach this.
But first,what kind of guitar is at and do you have any pics?
its a fender stratocaster. I don't have any pics of it, but I can tell you that I can see silver at the chip.
I am sure there are many ways, but I used Spot Glazing putty by Bondo... it dries quickly and is nowhere near as hard as actual Bondo... you can easily sand to blend... Then go to Walmart or an auto parts store and try to match the paint with those markers... Not exactly the most professional method, but since you said blending was not important, it would be quick and inexpensive.....
Good Luck
Okay there is two ways that you can do this.Either way involves a lot of elbow grease.
1-Put a drop of superglue,(regular), in the crack and smooth it out.Touch up the colour.When dry put gel superglue until the fill area is slitghtly higher than the original finish.Wet sand to level using 320 or 400.When it is level then go up the sanding grits,(this is called the Moe scale),keeping the grits as close together to 2000.Use a soft cloth,(cotton diapers are readily available,inexpensive and super soft),and start polishing.start with Maguires Static X,this is an excellent deep scratch and cleaner.Then go from deep cut polish to med cut polish to fine cut polish to polish and finally glaze.
Mothers is good as is Maguires.This stuff is all available in a good hardware store.
2-Is pretty much the same as #1 except instead of using super glue use the same clear coat that was used by the manufacterer.BTW-using the clear is called a 'Laquer Drop',using the superglue is just a 'Fill'.
Tips-Use a flat block when sanding and go in a circular motion.Use warm water with a drop of dishsoap for wet sanding.Soak your paper.Use FRESH paper.Change the water often.Don't rush the drying or try to fill it too quickly.
Superglue has a habit of pitting so check constantly during sanding to make sure that it is level,(no white spots).Motion and the heat from the friction are the keys to getting a gloss-dig in with the cloth and really work it.If the gloss seems like it's taking forever and it seems like it's taking a zillion years to sand level,then you're probably doing it right.
I've been critisized for using automotive polishing products,(repeatedly,but since I still use them you can geuss how much stock I put into my critics words ),but look at it this way.If it's good enough to use on a $30,000.00 car then for your $700.00 guitar.........
Okay I tried using some of that bondo stuff and it worked great. Thanks for the suggestion gordan, that way you suggested was cheap and worked. I just need to get some paint on my guitar now. I found that I could get custom paint for my guitar, but I don't know what type I should get. I want to try to get a paint for that guitar glossy paint look. Do you guys have any suggestions on the paint I should use?
find your local Car Body Shop, or a friend that works at one
most have a paint scanner that will take a digital photo of the paint and match it up perfectly
always keep in mind....a dime sized problem is a hardball sized repair
pretty sure that gibsons and fender use laquer based paint
other brands use urethane enamels, which are NOT compatible with laquers
it all basically is your standard car paints....once again , ask the car guys...they paint all day every day, they know there stuff
i did a custom paint job on my Ibanez ( striped it, sand, primer, sealer, basecoat black, and house of color blasberry airbrushed to get 8 different colors in different angles)
the paint is simular to that (chamelion) paint used on a 95 cobra...the one tha tchanges colors and is around $200 a pint
Yeah I thinking about doing that too. I was wondering what type of paint I should get?
- Apr 12 Mon 2010 20:57
Filling in a paint chip